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Welcome to Thornaby.

This web site is dedicated to providing information for residents and visitors of Thornaby on Tees.
Launched in April 2007,  thornaby.org.uk will provide a comprehensive source of on-line community information for  local residents as well as a starting point for anybody wishing to visit the town. From the creator of the original Thornaby Site  thornabyontees.freeservers.com/ in 2000 and thornaby.s5.com in 2002.


This site will be updated on a regular basis. The site is provided free for the people of Thornaby and the many residents who have moved away and want to catch up.



[Thornaby] [Location] [Thornaby History] [Around Thornaby] [Thornaby Show] [Town Centre] [Community] [Education] [Services] [Leisure] [Religeon]
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