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Thornaby Education

School Contacts in Thornaby

St Patrick's RC School                      Telephone 01642 613327                       Fax 01642 618227
Email stpatricksrccomp.school@stockton.gov.u k
Type of School .Secondary School.

Thornaby Community School            Telephone 01642 763244                        Fax 01642 761318
Email tcs.school@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School .Secondary School.

Thornaby CE Primary School                       Telephone 01642 763060             Fax 01642 751002
Email thornabyce.school@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School .Primary School..

Westlands School                              Telephone 01642 883030                        Fax 01642 883070
Email westlands@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School.... Special School

Mandale Mill Primary                          Telephone 01642 647010                       Fax 01642 647011
Email mandalemill.school@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School .... Primary School.....

St Patrick's RC Primary (Thornaby) Telephone 01642 676724                          Fax 01642 679454
Email stpatricksrcprimary.thornaby@stockton.g ov.uk
Type of School .... Primary School.

Christ The King RC Primary                       Telephone 01642 761252                Fax 01642 761252
Email christtheking.school@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School .... Primary School.

Harewood Primary                             Telephone 01642 355425                         Fax 01642 678568
Email   harewoodpri@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School ..Primary School

Bader Primary                                    Telephone 01642 762856.                        Fax 01642 751794
Email  bader.school@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School .... Primary School.

Village Primary                                Telephone 01642 676768                            Fax 01642 606625
Email villageprimary.school@stockton.gov.uk
Type of School .. Primary School..

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